aries March 21 - April 19
Show yourself compassion without cutting yourself too much slack, dearest Aries, as Mercury and Chiron square off this morning. Meanwhile, the Aquarius sun and Pluto unite, helping you clear way connections that have become toxic or you've simply lost interest in. The atmosphere shifts once Luna migrates into Scorpio, putting you in the mood for true intimacy. If you struggle to find deeper meaning in your conversations, consider pivoting topics to find common ground. Just avoid ruffling feathers by delving into overly personal territory when the moon squares the sun and Pluto this afternoon, bringing tension to your social sphere.
Show yourself compassion without cutting yourself too much slack, dearest Aries, as Mercury and Chiron square off this morning. Meanwhile, the Aquarius sun and Pluto unite, helping you clear way connections that have become toxic or you've simply lost interest in. The atmosphere shifts once Luna migrates into Scorpio, putting you in the mood for true intimacy. If you struggle to find deeper meaning in your conversations, consider pivoting topics to find common ground. Just avoid ruffling feathers by delving into overly personal territory when the moon squares the sun and Pluto this afternoon, bringing tension to your social sphere.
You'll need to step up to the plate and make good on your promises this morning, dearest Aries, as the Scorpio moon and Jupiter form an unbalanced connection. Though your own desires may tempt you to backpedal, people will remember whether or not you stay true to your word. Return the focus on yourself this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn, granting permission to hide away and decompress. This energy also promotes intimate bonds, and swapping hopes, dreams, or secrets with someone you trust can help strengthen the dynamic. Just be mindful not to overshare when Chiron stirs tonight.
You'll need to step up to the plate and make good on your promises this morning, dearest Aries, as the Scorpio moon and Jupiter form an unbalanced connection. Though your own desires may tempt you to backpedal, people will remember whether or not you stay true to your word. Return the focus on yourself this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Saturn, granting permission to hide away and decompress. This energy also promotes intimate bonds, and swapping hopes, dreams, or secrets with someone you trust can help strengthen the dynamic. Just be mindful not to overshare when Chiron stirs tonight.